About Us

People. Integrity. Professionalism.

We are successful in helping others because of our Core Values

25 Years Experience

The Newman brand has become a standard of excellence in the fitness and wellness industry.


The core value for everyone’s unique path is to become healthier and happier so they can enjoy the best life possible.


The core value toward the community we serve, with the various provided services.

Professional People

Our business is about people, The best performing businesses will be those that can attract the best people, those who are able to keep them motivated.


The core value for every person served is to have a voice and participate in how his or her care and needs are rendered.

Safety and Serenity

While in our facility all staff members will do everything possible to offer persons served and our clients a safe, peaceful and calm state of wellness. While rendering service to persons served in our care, we are always mindful of the individual’s specific needs.

Our Approach

We are passionate about and committed to overall wellness in our community.

Through our many programs and services, we empower individuals to achieve healthier and more productive lives, this includes our expertise in working with our Special Needs community, which leads to a healthier overall society.

Our Mission

Our core values are respect, compassion, empowerment, safety & serenity.

Our overall mission at Newman Contracting Services, Inc. is to be committed to the health, fitness, and overall wellness of individuals, families, and the community we serve as a whole. We are committed to improving and enriching people’s lives through meaningful and effective fitness and wellness services.

Our ultimate goal is to connect with individuals and render our services with integrity and good character.